Goodfellers Ltd

Doing our best to help the planet / Free tree planting / Electric power tools / Everything recycled / Bio Degradable chain oil

The Greener tree Company

This is a new venture for Goodfellers. Thought up by Tristan at the start of the year, we are now planting a tree for every tree we takedown.

This is our way of giving back to nature and trying to keep the world a little healthier. It is sad and worrying that so many trees are lost each year! The number of trees has fallen by about 46 per cent since the start of human civilization and each year there is a gross loss of 15 billion trees worldwide!

Free tree planting
We promise to plant a tree either at the site from where the tree has been removed if approved by the customer, or if this is not agreeable or possible, then we will plant at another location later on in the year.

We have been in touch with various organisations that have planting schemes themselves, and land in the local area which are happy for us to plant alongside them.
Planting in these locations will take place later in the year, from autumn, when it is cooler and wetter to give the young trees the best start we can.
Don’t worry though, we will keep a record of all the trees that have unfortunately had to be felled over the year and will happily plant that number over the cooler months. We aim to inform our customers of when their tree is planted and where, so we all know we are doing our bit to help the planet we live on.

Electric Power tools, Biodegradable Chain Oil and recycled waste

The Greener Tree company

Electric power tools

Keeping the environment at the forefront of our minds, we are moving all our power tools to electricity. Leaving behind the damaging fossil-fuelled power tools of old!

As we are all aware, the world is being polluted every second by fossil fuels being used causing a rise in temperature worldwide. The time is now to make a change!
Luckily, with the recent huge advances in lithium-ion battery technology, we now have realistic eco-friendly options.

There is now a wide range of new battery-powered hand tools which we are using. These have many benefits.
The obvious one is that to the environment. With battery power-producing zero emissions at the point of work, we are reducing our carbon footprint.

Noise levels are greatly reduced! Rather than having a two-stroke engine blaring away nearby, there will be the quiet power of an electric engine. A lot more pleasant, I’m sure you’ll agree.

Benefits for the operatives include minimal vibrations, no inhaling exhaust fumes, and easier communication.

As good as this technology is, we still have a long way to go.
Unfortunately, there are certain tools we cannot buy battery-powered as yet, such as larger chain saws and chippers. But when these tools do come on the market, we will be at the front of the queue! The day that no more fossil-fuelled engines are being used will be a happy one!

Keeping the environment at the forefront of our minds, we are moving all our power tools to electricity. Leaving behind the damaging fossil-fuelled power tools of old!

As we are all aware, the world is being polluted every second by fossil fuels being used causing a rise in temperature worldwide. The time is now to make a change!
Luckily, with the recent huge advances in lithium-ion battery technology, we now have realistic eco-friendly options.

There is now a wide range of new battery-powered hand tools which we are using. These have many benefits.
The obvious one is that to the environment. With battery power-producing zero emissions at the point of work, we are reducing our carbon footprint.

Noise levels are greatly reduced! Rather than having a two-stroke engine blaring away nearby, there will be the quiet power of an electric engine. A lot more pleasant, I’m sure you’ll agree.

Benefits for the operatives include minimal vibrations, no inhaling exhaust fumes, and easier communication.

As good as this technology is, we still have a long way to go.
Unfortunately, there are certain tools we cannot buy battery-powered as yet, such as larger chain saws and chippers. But when these tools do come on the market, we will be at the front of the queue! The day that no more fossil-fuelled engines are being used will be a happy one!


Biodegradable Chain Oil

Another thing that The Greener Tree Company are happy to disclose is that we no longer use mineral-based chain oil.

Chain saws need lubrication supplied to the bar and chain when used. As the chain runs around the bar, chain oil is sprayed off the tip of the bar and into the environment, seeping through the ground and rocks, polluting streams and rivers. Mineral oil is toxic and harmful to plants and animals and a threat to their habitat. These oils are also carcinogenic and can irritate the respiratory tract.

All chain oil used by Goodfellers is vegetable based and biodegradable. It is slightly more expensive, but we aim to be as environmentally friendly as physically possible!

Not only does biodegradable chain oil pose no threat to the environment, but it also benefits the operatives with reduced inhalation risk due to lower vapour pressure, and is dermatologically safe.


One more thing The Greener Tree Company is proud to announce is that EVERYTHING GETS RECYCLED! Nothing gets wasted.

All arisings from our work gets recycled. Logs, wood chips and green waste.

All hardwood is cut to length, split, bagged and seasoned for over a year, then sold as seasoned firewood to heat your homes.
All the softwood, woodchip and green waste gets taken away as biofuel and made into energy.
Just another way of doing our bit for the planet.

If you would like a free quotation or just friendly advice, please call 01525 211727